Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Welcome to my brand-new blog! I promised myself that I'd start a blog in 2008, and here it is! (Even though the year is almost half over...!)

A little about me: I'm an artist and graduate of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. I love to draw and paint (especially oils), but recently, I've developed a huge passion for jewelry (wearing it and making it!). I love the various patinas on metals (naturally aged, or hand applied), especially verdigris, and I enjoy working with pure silver, sterling, gold, and copper; plus genuine gemstones.

I've just decided to try selling my jewelry on etsy.com. I'm in the process of setting up the shop, taking pictures of my jewelry, writing descriptions, etc. So I hope to launch my jewelry shop next week. Please come visit my shop: http://wabisabichic.etsy.com

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